Quakertown Elementary PIE
(Partners Involved in Education)
(Partners Involved in Education)
Our Mission
To promote activities that build character in our students and encourage unity in our families
To be a vehicle that promotes open relationships and communication between school and home
To encourage families to take an active role in Quakertown Elementary School
To support fundraising activities for assemblies, field trips, and activities that enhance student learning
Quakertown Elementary School PIE includes all parents and guardians, as well as all teachers and staff at Quakertown Elementary School. We encourage everyone to become involved! This can be in any way that fits into your ability
(See our Volunteer Information page to learn more)
PIE organizes family fun nights throughout the year including Fall Fest, Trunk or Treat, BINGO, Skate Nights, and QE Carnival & MORE.
(See our Events page for upcoming events)
Funds are used to enhance our PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support) program. We cover the cost of bussing for field trips as well as pay $5 per student for their trips.
(See our Fundraising page for a more in depth list of expenses)